The KPFK-LSB Outreach Committee meets monthly last Sunday monthly, from 11:30 AM (PT), via Zoom by video or phone line.
Here is the Zoom audio recording:
Per Pacifica Foundation Bylaws, the LSB Outreach Committee is not constrained by Roberts Rules, rather is an open membership body, where all are welcomed to participate and be heard. If a Motion is brought to the Committee, all can vote.
Attendees; Nancy Lawrence, Bruce Greif, Eric Blair, Sasha Karlik, Nancy Saibara-Naritomi, Stephen Cohen and Bella De Soto-Chair. Note: Eric Blair may have attended for other reasons! Mystery person & would not communicate via phone line or zoom Chat.
Absent: KPFK IGM Michel Novick and the LSB Pro Tem Chair Ziri Redeaux.
We began discussion on planning the 1st 2023 KPFK-LSB Town Hall event. Per the Pacifica Foundation Bylaws, two Town Halls are required annually. However, no specifics yet until current conflicts between the PNB and KPFK-LSB are resolved.
Some recent updates on Station matters were covered… Listen to audio recording.
All in attendance expressed their comments and great suggestions.
We reviewed some recent outreach efforts on 12/18/22, 2/11/23 and Sun., 2-26-23.
We discussed coordination of some virtual/electronic ideas to spread KPFK’s presence throughout the Station signal area moving forward…
These are adopted Projects:
Project 1:
LA County Public Libraries; create electronic flyer with KPFK 90.7 FM promotional highlights, including popular programs with brief description., to be posted at Library Bulletin Boards, Calendars, Newsletters, etc.
And to also, arrange participation at Library community events.
A task force members will outreach to the Public Libraries in their areas, with continued group updates of on-going progress, to streamline this effort..
Once this project is populated, we hope to branch out to colleges and private Libraries.
Project 2:
To coordinate with station GM, to promote a “Home Pet Video Station Project” ( a great family project), This would be promoted on-air for a submission opportunity from the listeners.
AND ASK that they post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TicTock.
The members vote their favorite. The top winners will have an audition to voice a cart for a KPFK station I.D. to one’s child/grandchild/young relative/young friend’s voice plus pet’s voice.
Hi world, I am Tina and this is Smiley, Pet “woof”. That is Happy our dear pet and you are listening to Pacifica Radio KPFK 90.7 FM, Non-commercial, Listener-sponsored and Volunteer-run, in Los Angeles • Also heard over 99.5 in China Lake, over 98.7 Isla Vista and 93.7 in Rancho Bernardo and San Diego.
Or Good evening, it is 6 pm and it is time for Rebel Alliance News. I am Orib and you are at KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles, China Lake 99.5, Isla Vista 98.7 and northern San Diego 93.7. Woof.
Please donate to this Non-Commercial listener supported radio station since 1959 if you can at Don’t for get that $25.00 is your annual membership, you can then vote for the next Local Station Board Elections.
Thank you.
Please donate to this Non-Commercial listener supported radio station since 1959 if you can at Don’t forget that $25.00 is your annual membership, you can then vote for the next Local Station Board Elections.
Reward: The top winners will have an audition to voice a cart for a KPFK special station I.D. to one’s child/grandchild/young relative/young friend’s voice plus pet’s voice. This can be a very fun family project.
KPFK Self-promotion: when the best video is selected, it will bear a subliminal KPFK 90.7 FM logo with info placement on the video screen, to promote the station and encourage support.
Project 3:
To request KPFK’s IGM Michael Novick, to begin renting studio space and offer station facilities to amateur instrumentalists, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students; and to promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community (Pacifica Mission Statement: .
The Parking lot can also need to be used to engage with same purpose.
These efforts will provide rapid self-promotion and funding returns.
Volunteers are in demand to help spread the word about KPFK 90.7 FM.
Please consider joining this Outreach Committee to help KPFK 90.7, protect its non-commercial signal and long-term future for new generations…
Thank you for your attention and participation.
To join, please email:
KPFK-LSB Outreach Committee-Bella De Soto-Chair