Radio KPFK is not for sale

KPFK is NOT for Sale!

Pacifica Foundation is a unique exercise in democracy and the inventor of listener-sponsored, independent radio. Today, it is the largest non-commercial, non-profit radio network in the U.S. and possibly in the world. Founded by conscientious objector Lewis Hill in 1946, this radio network has been a beacon of hope and information for the progressive movement ever since. Today, Pacifica is comprised of 5 stations KPFK (Los Angeles), KPFA (Berkeley), WBAI (New York), WBFW (Washington) and KPFT (Houston), as well as over 220 affiliate stations nationwide. Being in a unique position to spread uncensored, political news and information, Pacifica has been under attack for years – but the current Foundation policy might run it off the cliff.

Currently, the Los Angeles station KPFK 90.7 FM is the only one of 5 stations that is fighting the significant Bylaw-violations by the Pacifica National Board (PNB). In its attempt to wrestle control from the 5 democratically elected Local Station Boards (LSBs), the PNB has illegally cancelled elections, illegally prolonged their own term-limits and put the KPFK building on sale – without consulting with the Los Angeles station nor Pacifica’s listener members. To suppress any opposition, the PNB also suspended 3 KPFK LSB delegates and one KPFK officer without due process and cut the station’s access to the website ( that is used to notify members and listeners of their meetings and decisions. Programmers have also been told they are not allowed to discuss the issue on the air.

What was once the proud flagship of the Pacifica network, the Los Angeles station KPFK has been financially mismanaged for years. Only since last November, under the new volunteer interim General Manager Michael Novick, substantial changes to the programming grid have resulted in a positive turn-around. For the first time in years, listener membership is on the rise, resulting in more revenue. KPFK is the little engine that could – return back to its progressive roots – and it is inspiring the other 4 Pacifica stations to take heart and follow our example.

But just when things were looking up for KPFK, the PNB is working to quash the tender sprouting greens: on Feb 1st, our KPFK station building (across the street from Universal Studios), was put on the market for the dumping price of $4,9 million, despite the strong objection of our Local Station Board and without ANY contingency plan of where KPFK (and the historical Pacifica Archive) should be housed after the sale. Is this how bad the PNB wants to render KPFK homeless and destroy the station? KPFK is fighting back. For this, the PNB is trying to destroy KPFK. To remedy the situation, Pacifica members from all 5 signal areas have started a lawsuit designed to bring the PNB back into legal compliance. And we urge you all to join us! 

Lawrence Reyes Lawsuit to Save Pacifica

Please donate to our lawsuit to save Pacifica from the current hostile takeover!


We are also URGENTLY looking for an “angel investor” who can donate about 2 $ million to help our historic station or buy our building and allow us to stay rent-free for at least 5 years until we have recovered.

We very much hope you demonstrate your loyalty to KPFK and Pacifica by bearing with us during this process and by writing to if you have any complaints or concerns.

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DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.