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Minutes of the KPFK-LSB Outreach Committee Meeting  June 25, 2023


Zoom Chat-KPFK-LSB Outreach meeting Sun., 6-25-23


12:14:03 From Margot Eiser : Jan Goodman and Harvey Wasswerman signed the letter from NewDay….got to counteract them, find legal ways etc…..
12:18:43 From Kpfk Outreach : Thank you Margot for letting us know. Are they listed on the promo email as endorsing it?
12:19:58 From Margot Eiser : Yes! Even said ok to other things—-if you did not get the message ki can forward i to you.
12:22:07 From Kpfk Outreach : For Election time line, please go to: and on the upper left pane, where it reads 2023 Pacifica Elections. It will take you directly to the main elections webpage, for time line and candidate instructions.
12:22:30 From Kpfk Outreach : Each candidate needs 15 electronic signatures….
12:23:44 From Margot Eiser : New Day said they already have a slate of candidates which is suspicious because the short time the info has been out.. got to challenge this group!!!!
12:44:32 From Kpfk Outreach : Elenore Foreman attended the recent New Day private Zoom meeting on Sat., 6-24, 23, 1PM.


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KPFK-LSB Outreach Committee is inviting you monthly meeting last Sun monthly, June 25, 23, 1130 AM.


Minutes from the 6-25-23 KPFK-LSB Outreach Meeting-Audio Recording only