Radio KPFK is not for sale

Jeanine Rohn



I believe I’m a unique staff candidate in this election. I am new to programming and staff, as I just began producing and hosting “Working Voices” labor show in May. However, I currently serve on the LSB as a listener. Unlike many of the LSB, I have been deeply involved at the local and national level for the past 5 years. I volunteer with the Outreach Committee canvassing at events and the in-person townhall. I was elected Secretary to the board and served for 2 years in that position. I then eventually joined the board. I have been a member of the local Finance Committee and reconstituted and chair the Fundraising Committee. The changeovers of the GM position recently made it difficult to implement many of the fundraising initiatives. However, I was able to reignite the phone-banking efforts (outreach to elapsed donors) and hold the online holiday auction last fall.

On the national level, I was elected in 2021 to both the PNB Audit Committee and the Elections Committee where I served as Lawrence Reyes’ Secretary. I organized and chaired the PNB Elections Committee Task Force to record that year’s election issues as well as advocate to the National Election Supervisor and the PNB for remedies. I also was elected LSB Treasurer by a strong majority this past December. I have not yet been allowed to participate at the PNB Finance Committee in that capacity, however I’m extremely comfortable in fiscal review and oversight.

I’m a union-member and work professionally in independent film as a producer. Strong storytelling that serves to empower its audience has been a huge part of my life. There was a need for KPFK to have a labor program. I have a passion and experience with worker’s rights. Being able to act on that need and create an on-air program organically seems only possible at a Pacifica station. My appreciation for the staff and programmers has deepened now that I’m working through challenges for the show myself (mechanics, research, promotion, etc.) The passion is palpable at the station and on-air. I’m honored to be a part of it – and would be honored to now use my skills and experience to represent the programmers & staff. I am very familiar with the procedures of the board and committees – as well as much of the politics and personalities. I know how to stand strong for our mission and bylaws, diverse programing, and work within the system to move forward on issues to benefit the staff & programmers, the station and foundation.

Please know that I will fight to keep our building and station intact – with our programming accessible to all communities. I’m dedicated to bringing all the passion and experience I have to protect the foundation and growing the station. I greatly appreciate your support. Thank you –